“Our child moved to the area from Zurich at 10 years of age. Excluding French she already had command of four languages. Coming to the French speaking part of Switzerland she initially experienced difficulties in the public school which did not appear to be orientated towards language integration as is the case in Ecole Riviera.Being offered the full support of the teachers our daughter began to respond very quickly to the positive environment of the school. Much of that is down to Ecole Riviera’s policy of treating the individual child as important and emphasizing the necessity of multi-lingual and social development in the 21st century. In addition to the required Federal curriculum, the school offers more emphasis on science and languages in a harmonious environment. Thanks to the professionalism and commitment of teaching personnel our child enjoys going to school every day.”
“Our child moved to the area from Zurich at 10 years of age. Excluding French she already had command of four languages. Coming to the French speaking part of Switzerland she initially experienced difficulties in the public school which did not appear to be orientated towards language integration as is the case in Ecole Riviera.Being offered the full support of the teachers our daughter began to respond very quickly to the positive environment of the school. Much of that is down to Ecole Riviera’s policy of treating the individual child as important and emphasizing the necessity of multi-lingual and social development in the 21st century. In addition to the required Federal curriculum, the school offers more emphasis on science and languages in a harmonious environment. Thanks to the professionalism and commitment of teaching personnel our child enjoys going to school every day.”
” Ce que j’apprécie également dans cette école, c’est que la pratique du sport y est largement encouragée; que la direction, toujours très accessible, est attentive au bien-être des enfants et que de nombreuses activités leur sont proposées. Mes garçons ont eu la possibilité de participer à de nombreuses visites, sorties et démonstrations qui ont contribué à développer leur ouverture d’esprit, leur autonomie et leur intérêt sur des multitudes de sujets. ”
“Ecole Riviera provides a safe and nurturing environment for my child where she can develop to her best potential. The school combines the benefits of bilingualism along with the closeness of a small Swiss school embedded in the local community.”
“Our two girls (aged 8 and 11) were extremely happy at Ecole Riviera. It has a real “family” spirit, where the teachers and pupils form strong relationships and really know each other. The lessons are well structured and tailored, with a strong focus on meeting the needs of individuals.
As parents, we always felt supported – and it was very reassuring to be able to discuss the curriculum and learning development of our children with the teacher and Head Mistress (who is fantastic, and really cares).”
“A l’Ecole Riviera, Sofia a appris avant tou à aimer apprendre avec enthousiasme, à chercher à comprendre et à surmonter les difficultés.Elle a compris et accepté que faire des erreurs faisait partie intégrante de tout apprentissage. Lorsque je l’entends s’exprimer avec tant de fluidité en anglais, je réalise à quel point notre choix initial a été juste.”
“C’est un soulagement de confier me jumeaux à la Crèche La Marelle car je suis confiante que mes enfants sont entre de bonnes mains avec des éducatrices bienveillantes. J’apprécie énornement l’échanges avec des dernières et le bilan de la journée qu’elles me transmettent lorsque je viens récupérer mes petits garçons.”